First Post + Goals for this Website
11 Aug 2021
This is my first post on this personal site. I’m a big proponent of learning in public and I intend to use this site as a platform for fleshing out my own ideas. At the same time, it might give you an idea of what it’s like inside my brain (if you happen to be curious).
- Have a Jekyll blog.
- Link my CV + SWE resume.
- Have hosted on
- Set up my jekyll blog to also point to posts on medium - following this structure : link
- Add ability for comments.
- Add a sidebar on each post that will show the table of contents, like this site
- Potentially add goodreads widget: link
- Consider making this app a PWA.
Blog Goals
- Start airing out my Effective Altruism ideas, even if no one reads them, I can later link to them.
- Write a short post on 1. a summary of my time at Ouster 2. what am I trying to get out from Columbia
Code and formatting
I looked into a few solutions for adding comments, and ultimately settled on utterance, which uses Github issues to allow people to comment. It’s free and open-source, the only drawback is that people need to have a github account to comment. I doubt I’ll have too many comments (or any). Disqus is an alternative, but I didn’t see good free options.
Playing around with the table of contents sidebar actually took a reasonable bit of time.
Ultimately I found 2 workable solutions,
- through this repo: (see here), Which uses css, and can manually insert a table-of-contents to an individual post.
<nav class="toc" style = "margin-bottom: 0;" markdown="1"> **Table of Contents** * TOC {:toc} </nav>
- And the other through this repo : Which uses a nav tag in the html in
to automatically generate a table-of-contents for all posts, by pointing totable_of_contents.html
<nav class="toc" markdown="1"> <b>Table of Contents</b> { % include table_of_contents.html html=content %} ### with no space between "{" and "%". </nav>